How To Find Balance As A Busy Student

With midterms and exams just around the corner, many students might be feeling the pressure of school and daily life start to become overwhelming. If you're beginning to feel overwhelmed with your school and social life, read on to learn how to find that balance in between.

Plan Out Your Month

Planning out your month in advance can help you feel organized, even when you've never felt busier. Mark down all of your assignments and the important dates ahead that you need to take note of. When you know what to expect, you won't run into any surprises or last minute assignments you completely forgot about.

Step Outside

Nature is one of the best cures for a cluttered and anxious mind. Head outside for a walk, or spend the day outside however you'd like. Whether it's for a hike, a bike ride, or just a walk- even a few moments spent outside can uplift your mood and help you feel relaxed. The fresh air is perfect for clearing your mind and guiding you to feeling refreshed again.

Prioritize What Matters

This is one of the most important things you will have to learn to master. When sifting through all of the countless assignments and tasks you have in front of you, look at what is the most urgent first. Prioritize your tasks in that order, and leave what may take the least amount of time or is the least urgent task to the bottom of your list. This doesn't mean you will completely abandon the task, it simply means you're learning how to prioritize.

Take A Break or Meditate

If you feel overwhelmed, stressed, or too tired to create any work you find worthy to be proud of- take a break. Sometimes when we have so much to do we feel guilty for taking time to ourselves when really, that's the one thing we should do. Let yourself relax, clear your mind and take a break before you dive back into your work. Meditation is a wonderful way to find balance in the midst of a stressful period. Watch a few videos on Youtube on how to meditate or practice yoga to help you get started.

Start Ahead

Procrastination is the ultimate thief of time. Completing tasks at the last minute might have you thinking you work well under pressure, but your best work will always be that which you plan ahead. Start an assignment early, even if it's  writing a rough draft. A simple outline can help you stay ahead of your deadlines. Sometimes, finishing an assignment at the last minute can go well, but it can also go very, very wrong. Rather than tossing the coin, start your work as earliest as you can- you won't regret it.


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